I'm Isola Marras ®
I’M is the acronym of ISOLA MARRAS.
I AM AN ISLAND is the key idea.
It is a privilege to be born in an island and specifically in Sardinia.
ISLAND meant as a place that is not only Sardinia where we start from, but a place that can be found anywhere in the world. No name could better capture the essence of my feelings.
I’M fulfills the desire to expand the Marras world; reaching an audience wider than the one that appreciates the first lines; offering a product that has the right quality/price ratio.
I’M was born in 2008 in collaboration with Interfashion and after six years of travelling together it comes to new life in Fall Winter 2014/15 season with LOMA in Reggiolo, a company of proven professionalism especially in the hard knitwear sector. In the new line it is possible to find all the codes that have characterized from the beginning the story told by Antonio Marras: ornaments, layers of fabrics, lace, embroidery, stitching; materials encrusted on fabrics; de-construction and reassembly of vintage-styled dresses, extraction of fragments and stylistic details; accumulation of objects, fabrics, scraps of used, handled, re-contextualized clothes; reflection on memory and time. Memory considered as individual, collective and historical; time as a past time deposited on objects and clothes, a sign of identity. However, while maintaining the roots of the Marras style, I’M is characterized by a strong and defined identity that clearly distinguishes it from the first line of pret-à-porter. It is a line with a complete offer, a total look with special attention to the knitwear, completed with accessories, a more casual and easy to wear declination of the Marras’ woman, a so-called, dailywear.